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Stray Dog Watches Over Fellow Pregnant Stray Who Was Seriously Injured Near The Highway

Dogs are true great companions for people, and this touching tale shows they’re also loyal to each other.

Love Leads for Dogs

A German shepherd named Marley was likely hit by a car in Muscoy, California. Her dog friend, Murphy, wouldn’t leave her alone. They waited together for a long time as cars passed by, but no one stopped to help. After many hours, someone finally stopped and called Dream Fetchers: Project Rescue for help.

Help Came when Needed

Faith Easdale, a rescuer with the group, said, “We got a message she was on the side of the road. Marley was really hurting and having trouble breathing. We didn’t know if she’d survive.”

Murphy stayed close while Easdale and another rescuer put Marley in the car. Murphy snuggled next to her in the back seat, even resting his head on her.

Easdale said, “She was so heavy, but we managed. Murphy stayed by her on the street.”

Expectant and Injured 

As they hurried to the hospital, Murphy kept Marley company. The X-rays showed Marley had several broken bones. They also found out she was expecting 11 puppies.

Murphy was there for Marley at first, calming down only when he knew she was safe. Easdale said it is possible that he stay with her in the hospital. But, her sickness was severe. She later helped Murphy find a permanent home.

Uneasy Ride but Worthwhile 

Marley’s birth wasn’t easy, but she had 11 healthy puppies. She took care of them well, even with casts on her legs.

Lucky with Forever Homes

Two years and many vet visits later, Marley is all better, and her puppies have homes too. Her new family says, “Marley is as kind and lovely as when we first got her. She plays as if she’s never been hurt.”


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