HomeAll AnimalsPuppy With Mange Condition Transforms After Receiving Love And Affection From Rescuers

Puppy With Mange Condition Transforms After Receiving Love And Affection From Rescuers

Penny, a young dog, found on the streets of Las Vegas suffering from a severe skin condition called mange. Her skin was bleeding and covered in sores and scabs. One Wednesday night, she was rescued and immediately received care from a dedicated animal rescue team. 

Penny’s Condition and Treatment 

They gave her medicated baths and antibiotics to treat her condition. At just one year old, Penny was in pain and found it hard to do simple things like stand or play. As a result, animal Protection Services took her to The Animal Foundation for urgent care.

Mange is caused by tiny mites that dig into the skin, but it can be treated. Despite looking scary, Penny started to get better with treatment. She stayed loving and happy, full of love at 17 pounds.

Healing Goes with Love 

Penny’s healing was going to take a while, but she got lots of love from the team. She then went to a foster home to keep getting better. Penny made amazing progress, her fur grew back, and her health got better, all thanks to the kind donations for her care. This gave her a second chance at life with a caring family.

Happier Days Ahead

Now, Penny spends her days playing happily with the children in her foster home, who adore her. She also loves to cuddle, sleep by their slippers, and enjoy the sun. Sometimes she wears socks to keep her sensitive feet safe. She’s looking better every day.

Penny’s foster family has been there for her through it all—every doctor’s visit, medicine, and bath. Therefore, her improvement has been incredible. Everyone is excited to see her thrive in her new life.

Penny Joins the Family

UPDATE: Penny’s foster family decided to make her a permanent member of their family! Because her amazing change is truly a wonder. There’s a video showing Penny’s journey and her wonderful family. A big thank you equally goes out to everyone who helped with Penny’s recovery.


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