HomeAll AnimalsPitbull Called “Ugly” and “Old” Finds Forever Home After A Year

Pitbull Called “Ugly” and “Old” Finds Forever Home After A Year

Every dog should have a home full of love and stability. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case for all dogs.

Tales of Homeless Pets

Thousands of homeless pets end up in shelters every year, hoping for a miracle that doesn’t happen. This is why choosing to adopt a pet instead of buying one is such a kind act.

Some animals in shelters are ignored more than others for various reasons.

Often, this is because of looks. Many shelter visitors prefer younger or “cuter” animals. I think all animals are beautiful, but not everyone feels this way.

Wally’s Concern 

This is why shelter workers were concerned about Wally, an older pitbull. He had a hard life on the streets before coming to the Town of Islip Animal Shelter in Long Island, New York.

Reported by The Dodo, Wally was nearly ten years old and had health issues like a skin problem and a blind right eye.

His age, looks, and health made the workers worry that people would overlook him.

Sadness and Fear of Rejection 

And for a year, they were right. Visitors didn’t notice Wally’s good nature; they only saw his looks. Wally, also seemed to become sadder as time passed, as if he felt the rejection.

A shelter worker said, “He’s getting sadder. He used to be happier. He enjoys going outside but seems sad in his cage.”

Redemption Comes Through for Wally

To help Wally, the shelter shared his story online, and it worked! After becoming famous online, he was adopted.

Wally now looks very happy and healthy in his new home.

It’s wonderful that this sweet dog finally got the loving home he deserved.


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