HomeAll AnimalsAfter Rescue, Kitten With Tiny Body Chooses To Always Oversee Her Surroundings

After Rescue, Kitten With Tiny Body Chooses To Always Oversee Her Surroundings

Bambie was among the litter of cats found and taken to a shelter in Montreal, Canada. She was the smallest of the litter but full of energy. When the other kittens had nursed back to their normal size, Bambie was still half the size of her age.

It’s Just a Condition

Even though Bambie was tiny, she didn’t let that stop her. She kept trying to get better, even when it was hard. The caretakers at the shelter where she was staying saw that she needed extra help, so they called Chatons Orphelins Montreal and sought help.

Bambie Got A Medical Attention

This group said yes to helping Bambie. They gave her all the medical help she needed and placed on GI medications to help her add weight. Bambie also got antibiotics and supplements treatment to fight off her illness. She was a tough little cat that responded positively to treatments. As time passed, she started to feel much improvement and kept purring as a sign of appreciation.

Size is Not a Problem

When Bambie was two months old, she was still small – half the expected size, but she didn’t let that stop her from doing all the things that young cats do. She played and jumped around, and her personality started to shine. Bambie liked to sit high up on a cat tree or on the shoulders of her caretakers and oversee her environment. She loved to be close to them and would find cozy spots to snuggle.

A staff of the shelter said she looked like a cute little monster from a movie because of her fluffy hair and big eyes. Bambie loved to be held and to ride on people’s shoulders. It made her feel safe. She liked to sleep under a blanket close to her people.

Ready for a Forever Home

After two months of being cared for, Bambie grew into a beautiful, fluffy cat. She was healthy and ready for new adventures. All the other young cats in the home where she was staying loved her. She was ready to find a family that would love her forever.

Loved in Her New Family

Soon, a family saw Bambie and fell in love with her. They took her to their home to be part of their family. Bambie loves her new life, especially getting shoulder rides and cuddles from her family.

And that’s the story of Bambie, the little cat who showed that being small doesn’t mean you can’t do big things.

Watch and follow Bambie through her page:


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